No photographer known.
No date known.
This site features daily historical railroad posts from the Big Bend/Columbia Plateau region of Washington state. As a personal site, this is my online filing cabinet of interesting things I've come across about railroading in the area. I know it's easy to grab an image from here and post it elsewhere, like Steve Renfrow does, but if you do, could you at least give this site a little credit? Dan Bolyard
Laying railroad track along the north bank of the Spokane River between the present Downriver Park and the Bowl and Pitcher. This railroad was projected to be built between Spokane and Seattle. Capital failed and the railroad only reached Davenport. This stretch is today Downriver Drive, ca. 1884.
Bill Kalkman, Doug Cummings photo, Rodney Peterson collection. Milwaukee Road SD40-2-162 (built as 3032 in July, 1972) & 158 (built as 3028 in 7/72) along with two others unidentified, are leading a freight in Beverly, WA on 5-21-67.
Photo by Gary Durr.
May 2017
Heading West bound into the Setting sun, an Empty EWG Scoot train led by a former MRL SD45 rolls through Rocklyn Washington on its way to Hartline and Coulee city... Longer days and better weather, I am surprised that I have not seen more railfans out photographing the old EMD power that usually draws many to the east side of the state.
Courtesy of Blair Kooistra.
Blair says:
"Big, Bad-Ass BN V20's westbound at Malaga on a memorable July 8, 1978 trip with Michael Sawyer--our first one together--that culminated with me riding an open gondola through the Cascade Tunnel and Mikey driving my 1975 Monte Carlo frantically back and forth across Steven Pass trying to find me. What a Day! I don't think many friendships have gotten off to such a wild start..."