Courtesy of Brian Ambrose.
Train 3-198 on December 10, 1983
This site features daily historical railroad posts from the Big Bend/Columbia Plateau region of Washington state. As a personal site, this is my online filing cabinet of interesting things I've come across about railroading in the area. Thanks for stopping by! --Dan Bolyard
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Two-mile Tunnel Is New Superlative For Coulee
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Monday, April 27, 2020
1911 NP AFE Davenport Culvert
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Friday, April 24, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
A Clever Brakeman
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
1921 NP AFE Rocklyn Milk Platform
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Monday, April 20, 2020
Sunday, April 19, 2020
The Dam Railroad Tunnel
Article I wrote for Them Dam Writers.
In order for the construction of Grand
Coulee Dam to be successful, the planners knew that a railroad would
be the best option for bringing in supplies. A big concern was where
to stage those supplies, and initial plans had them on the sloped
bench on the east side of the river, immediately downstream of the
construction site.
Railroaders like as level a track as
possible; it’s easier for locomotives to start and stop trains. The
problem with the dam site was a big elevation change. At the rail
head at Odair, the elevation is 1676 feet. The current town of Grand
Coulee is at 1520 feet. Coulee Dam is at 1150 feet. The distance from
Odair to Grand Coulee allows the elevation change to happen
gradually, so it’s still easy for trains to run. The drastic change
from Grand Coulee to Coulee Dam happens in a short distance, and in a
dramatic way.
The surveyors for the railroad
developed a way down to a point on the river where a bridge could be
used to get to the staging site. The curves would be sharp, but not
unreasonable. The east-side bench was envisioned as the location of
the concrete mixing plant, machine shops, warehouse, affiliated
structures, and the MWAK field engineer's office at the 1020-foot
elevation level. A steam shovel was put to work leveling off the 5-
to 10-degree slope for this plan.
On October 29, 1934, plans were
announced by Harvey Slocum, construction superintendent for MWAK, for
a 150- to 200-foot-long tunnel, to be bored through a solid granite
mass, northwest of the Engineer's Town site. The tunnel was to be
located about 100 feet from the spot where the construction contracts
for two adjoining railroad right-of-ways were to meet. One was being
built from Odair to the damsite by David H. Ryan, and the other by
the Spokane construction firm of Crick & Kuney, which built the
remaining grades around the damsite, among other things.
The tunnel was necessary in order to do
away with a nearly impossible turn along the outside of the 800-foot,
solid rock wall. By making the tunnel, no sharp curve would be
necessary. Locomotives and cars would then be able to run along the
outside of the mountain of rock to a curve near the river, over a
railway bridge, and then along the 1020-foot level on the east shore.
Bridge construction had started back on October 1 and had finished 2
weeks later.
Tunnel construction kicked off on
November 29 with crews jack-hammering and blasting the granite face
on the south side of the tunnel. By December 7, the bore hole was
large enough that it was beginning to get dark inside in the daytime.
After the first of the year, crews were
about 35 feet into the rock. The muck was being hauled out by
wheelbarrows. Behind the drillers, a group of carpenters followed who
were timbering the roof. It was assumed that the tunnel would be
completed in another month, and that together, the tunnel and grade
below would consume two months total.
The weather at this time had been
around negative-5 degrees, with a biting wind. Night-shift workers
claimed it wasn't any fun to face the cold blasts, and one of them
swore to “never leave Santa Barbara again” once this job was
About March 11, work was resumed after
being shut down for roughly six weeks to provide more men to work on
the cofferdam. By this time, 85 feet had been completed. From the
north end of the bore, the grade outside of the tunnel had been
leveled off to the bridge. Workers were reporting that the blue
granite, through which their jack hammers were biting, was the
hardest rock they had ever worked with. Frequent re-sharpening of
tools and a minimum feet-per-hour was caused by the hard rock. The
project overall was not being hurried to completion at the time,
since there were no scheduled shipments of cement to the dam site
until the latter part of the summer, at the earliest.
The crews had not
used the typical method of boring a small-diameter hole the entire
length of the tunnel and then expanding that bore to full tunnel
size. The tunnel was instead blasted and hammered partway, then the
small-bore method was used for the second half.
By May 13 there was roughly thirty feet
to go. Drilling and blasting continued, making up the full size of
the tunnel, and a week later, the entire bore was completed. It was
20-feet high and 15-feet wide. It was also on a 5% grade, meaning the
tracks would rise five feet over a distance of 100 feet, which is
very steep for a railroad. This is why logging locomotives were to be
used, since they employed a gearing scheme to compound their effort
in pulling loads up a grade, sacrificing speed for pulling power.
After seven months on a two-month
project, word from MWAK came that it did not plan to use the railroad
to bring material to the east side of the river, as originally
intended. With the heavy grade work between the cliff and Engineers’
Town, a nagging slide area near the tunnel, the instability of the
bank on the east side of the bridge, and then a curve on the east
side that would be too sharp, it was decided that anything needed on
the east side could be hauled by trucks.
The mainline to the tunnel was
stub-ended a short distance from the portal, a few railroad-car
lengths beyond a switch that led to a track at a lower elevation
heading towards the dam. That switch led to the line past the site
where the Green Hut Cafe and the Visitor's Center would eventually be
located. This track eventually made it all the way to the west side
of the right powerhouse.
Other project changes included building
the staging yard near Electric City, with the railroad delivering
finished items to the construction site via either the car skip or
the switchbacks. Cement unloading was constructed above the dam and a
series of pipes moved the powder to the mix plant on the west side of
the construction face. Limited rail access to the east side of the
dam was made via the construction trestle over the face of the
growing dam.
Today, a small sign in the parking lot
for the Coulee Dam City Hall marks the location of the tunnel. Access
means crawling through the brush, crossing Fiddle Creek, and then
climbing the slope to the tunnel. Both ends have been fenced off, as
rock does occasionally fall inside the bore. The grade on both ends
of the tunnel can be followed, but below the tunnel, the grade edges
private property boundaries. The curve at the bottom of the grade
toward the bridge location has completely changed and traces are hard
to find anymore.
The granite bluff with the tunnel
through it can be seen on the left side of the photo, just to the
right of what is now the Coulee Dam City Hall. The grade from the
tunnel to the MWAK bridge on the right is very evident.
A portion of penstock is being trucked
over the MWAK bridge. Near the uppler left corner, the tunnel can be
seen. Note you can see daylight through it at this angle.
Classic view of the tunnel as looking
toward the east bank of the Columbia River. The trestle in the
foreground is crossing Fiddle Creek.
Current view of the tunnel, looking
towards the east bank of the Columbia River. The metal bridge over
the river can just be seen between the telephone poles.
View through the tunnel from the north
side, looking up the grade.
View of the granite rock through with
the tunnel passes.
View of the tunnel from the south side,
when peering through the chain link fence.
The old sign in the city hall parking
lot. The current sign says the same thing.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Four Lakes Siding
Guest post by Ted Curphey.
found this 1943 topo map that shows a siding at Four Lakes, WA along
the NP CW branch. In modern terms the siding extended from the I-90
overpasses to half way to Craig Rd. The siding was gone from the 1954
maps. I had not previously realized there was a siding there. A few
years ago the switch into the Highline facility was installed into the
mainline about the mid-point of the old siding.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Adrian Irrigation Flume
Courtesy of the Grant County Historical Society.
The site of the flume seen here, taken from near the NP engine terminal near the GN depot at Adrian, is now county road 20.7 NE. The dry channel of Crab Creek is below the flume.
The site of the flume seen here, taken from near the NP engine terminal near the GN depot at Adrian, is now county road 20.7 NE. The dry channel of Crab Creek is below the flume.
Adrian Irrigation
Thursday, April 16, 2020
1918 NP AFE Davenport Well
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Govan Ghosts
Guest post by Frederick Manfred Simon.
January 10, 2018
Eerily silent – the florescent landing lights and glow of what at first glance appears to be an alien craft counting down to liftoff thrusting its rocket, spear-like plume of light cutting into the black, fog-cloaked pitch of Govan. A Ghost “town” of near nil inhabitants living, of a schoolhouse haunted, of infernos past repeated, and of bloody ax murders unsolved. A Dantean “place” that may as well be the netherworld: able to unnerve the steadiest of souls…in the dead of night. Mangy dogs unseen growling; howling packs of yipping coyotes in the distance near; faint shadows of concrete elevators monolithic; wraiths appear staring out from broken tattered-curtain windows of homesteads homeless. Ice-cased from the brume atmosphere the earthbound tunnel motor has just come to rest holding the CW main pending a relief crew to take her and train farther west. Further. Into twilight.
1910 Adrian Area View
Courtesy of the Grant County Historical Society.
The photo was taken from the fill leading to NP bridge number 59. On the right, the ditch of the Adrian Irrigation Company is full and flowing. The large building on the right is the Adrian Hotel.
The photo was taken from the fill leading to NP bridge number 59. On the right, the ditch of the Adrian Irrigation Company is full and flowing. The large building on the right is the Adrian Hotel.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Saturday, April 11, 2020
1910 Adrian Area View
Courtesy of the Grand County Historical Museum.
The empty channel of Crab Creek dominates this view. On the left, a GN train is on the main and approaching Adrian. Note the siding next to it, and what is probably a construction spur for the NP crews building the bridge over Crab Creek. In the center is the GN depot, and towards the right of it are section building and then the NP engine terminal, including a 2 stall roundhouse. The ditch of the Adrian Irrigation Company can be seen on the far right.
The empty channel of Crab Creek dominates this view. On the left, a GN train is on the main and approaching Adrian. Note the siding next to it, and what is probably a construction spur for the NP crews building the bridge over Crab Creek. In the center is the GN depot, and towards the right of it are section building and then the NP engine terminal, including a 2 stall roundhouse. The ditch of the Adrian Irrigation Company can be seen on the far right.
Friday, April 10, 2020
1910 Adrian View
Courtesy of the Grant County Historical Museum.
The wooden flume across the photo is for the ditch of the Adrian Irrigation Company. The GN depot is the peaked roof behind the boxcars left of center. The hotel is in the center on the hill. Part of the NP engine terminal can be seen between the flume and the string of boxcars and reefers.
The wooden flume across the photo is for the ditch of the Adrian Irrigation Company. The GN depot is the peaked roof behind the boxcars left of center. The hotel is in the center on the hill. Part of the NP engine terminal can be seen between the flume and the string of boxcars and reefers.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Town of Adrian View
Courtesy of the Grant County Historical Museum.
About 1910.
Note the GN depot towards the right center. The Adrian Grange is the lighter colored building near the center. Note the footbridge over Crab Creek on the right.
Track to the NP engine terminal is the closest one on the right of the photo.
About 1910.
Note the GN depot towards the right center. The Adrian Grange is the lighter colored building near the center. Note the footbridge over Crab Creek on the right.
Track to the NP engine terminal is the closest one on the right of the photo.
Monday, April 6, 2020
NP Bridge Number 59 Construction At Adrian
Courtesy of the Grant County Historical Museum.
1909-1910 time frame.
The guys are working in the channel of Crab Creek. The GN mainline can be seen in the distance to the right.
1909-1910 time frame.
The guys are working in the channel of Crab Creek. The GN mainline can be seen in the distance to the right.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Guest post by Frederick Manfred Simon.
January 24, 2018
Raining. Has been for days. Off, more
on. Soaking the sweeping, seeded fields as gravity forces the runoff
into trickles then streams that overflow every little-to-large
depression ad infinitum. Morose, mercurial clouds, messengers of
inclemency relentlessly release their heavy burden upon the
sacrificial land. Along the miles of contouring blacktop uncovered
winter wheat: this year’s harvest painting the muddy earth with
neat rows of green freckles. Out here every man counts. Every man
does what he is able and more to move the EWG “Scoot” down the
line. Moreover, every man is “here” because he is a railroader at
heart. Diesel flows through his veins, oil blackens his duds, that
pungent odor of creosote rises from his steel-toed boots, and the
“105” hangs proudly from his keychain. He’s at home out on the
rails riding the iron horse to wherever the tracks take him. He uses
his gut acumen to accomplish the task at hand; to get his machinal
horses to bite into the railhead and pull thousands of wheat tons,
east. Adding more and more from wherever the outbound crew has left
empties that are filled or will be, soon. Today is no different. I
see mechanics, Jeff and Starr who’ve been weathering the damp
morning making sure the girls are good to go. True, their dresses
aren’t pretty, anymore. But they’re not here for their looks but
their brawn. Back in Cheney, 96 milepoles east, the crew is already
on duty reviewing their track warrants, job briefing the pending
work, then load – grip in hand – into the crew van for the
2-hours west with unseen crewman Murphy. But they’ll work around
him. Meanwhile, bundled CWGG hands finish loading their allotment of
Color Mark and “Employee-Owned” CH’s which they one-by-one
muscle-spot under the crib spout across the CW Main from the brick
Methodist Church using their lime green Steiger. The enduring scene
produced a few memorable images, yet only one embodies the essence of
the “CW.” A tradition only briefly broken by derailments, storms,
and once by embargo awaiting dismantling, when wise men came together
and saved it from certain death.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
1909 NP AFE Four Lakes Spur Track
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