From the "Grant County Journal."
February 28, 1977
This site features daily historical railroad posts from the Big Bend/Columbia Plateau region of Washington state. As a personal site, this is my online filing cabinet of interesting things I've come across about railroading in the area. Thanks for stopping by! --Dan Bolyard
Photo courtesy of Blair Kooistra.
Blair says:
"Wayback Wednesday."
"I'm glad I stopped for a photo of the four SW1200's tied up on the Washington Central Railroad at Warden, Washington, on August 26, 1995.
"I'm guessing I was headed back from a two-day trip from Seattle to the BN Lakeside subdivision with Brian Rutherford to photograph CSX AC4400's operating on a test train. I can't recall if Brian and I had split up for our return trips by this point or not; if he was still with me, I'm guessing he spent his time photographing the NP and GN freight cars in a junkyard nearby.
"In 1996, Washington Central spun off the lines north of Connell into their present day Columbia Basin Railroad subsidiary; there wasn't a lot of traffic on this branch in 1995, but that soon changed. WCRC had four SW1200s (ex-MoPac), and here they are MU'ed and tied down near the Warden station. MU'ed SW1200's certainly would have been just as worthy to photograph as more BN green SD40-2s, so maybe we should have spent more time HERE? Today, lots of traffic, and SD9s and GP9s have replaced the switchers."
X-463 was built by Pullman in June 1909 as SP&S coach 208. It
was converted to outfit service as X-463 on May 14, 1940 (along with
most of the all-wood passenger cars). The car was sold in July 1969. A
shower was installed in 1948, indicating that it served as a bunk car.
Trail goes cold after that.
It sat in Kahlotus for years before being moved to Soap Lake. It's sat there for over 20 years and was then put up on Facebook marketplace for sale.
Kahlotus views:
Photo by Jonathan Fischer:
Soap Lake views:
Photo by Roger Burrows:
Facebook listing as of 6-28-24.
Photos taken in January 2003.
Vintage photo below taken by the late Russ Strodtz.
It's been in private ownership since being plucked out of the Purdy scrapyard at Ephrata in the 1970s. I recall it being painted in BN colors when I was but a lad. It was painted red-ish after a remodeling project, as seen here.
Russ Strodtz had snagged a picture of it at the Purdy scrapyard at Ephrata sometime in the 1970s:
Courtesy of Lynn Francis.
April 1, 1983
Local Freight Trains-Portland Division Revised 4-1-83
Pasco-Walla Walla-Lewiston Area------Trainmaster Distric 1
Local Train-----On Duty-Freq------Territory
61810 WWV Local 0830 DXSa-Su W Walla-Milton Freewater & Ret A
61810 WWV Local As Reqd. College Place-Baker-Langdon
& Ret B
61613 Pasco-Dixie Local 0900 Mo-We-Fr Pasco to Walla Walla,
Dixie & Ret.
61811 Snake River Swr. 1500 DXSu Pasco-Finley-Yellepit & Ret. A
61811 Snake River Swr. DXSu Pasco-Martindale-Burbank & Ret. B
61811 Snake River Swr. DXSu Pasco-Kennewick & Ret. C
61811 Snake River Swr. As Reqd.--Kennewick-Richland & Ret.
61817 Riparia Turn 1930 DXMo Pasco-Riparia & Ret.
61819 Pendleton Turn 0800 DXSu Pasco-Pendleton & Ret. A
61819 Pendleton Turn As Reqd. Smeltz-Athena & Ret. B
Connell-Wheeler-Cheney Area-------Trainmaster District 2
61826 Connell-Whlr Turn 1000 DXSu Connell-Wheeler & Ret. A
As Reqd. Bassett Jct-Schrag & Ret. B
61828 Pasco-Bruce Turn 1500 DXSu Pasco-Bruce & Ret. A
As Reqd. Mesa-Basin City & Ret. B
61823 Wheeler-Othello Turn 1800 DXSa Wheeler-Othello Lake &
Ret. A
61421 Wheeler-Moses Lake 0700 DXSu Wheeler-Moses Lake & Ret. A
Turn 0700 As Reqd. Wheeler-Royal City & Ret. B
Yakima-Toppenish-Grandview Area------Trainmaster District 3
61832 White Swan Local 0830 Tu-Th-Su Yakima-Mabton & Ret. A
61832 White Swan Local As Reqd. Toppenish-White Swan & Ret. C
61835 NYV Local 0830 Mo-We-Fr Yakima-Moxee City & Ret. A
61835 NYV Local 0830 Mo-We-Fr Yakima-Naches-Tieton & Ret. B
61833 15th Sub div. Lcl 0800 As Reqd. To Pasco-Buena & Ret.
Courtesy of Lynn Francis.
April 1, 1983
51882 Quincy Spud Loc. 0900 DXSa-Su Wenatchee-Quincy A.
51882 Quincy Spud As Reqd. Columbia River-Bon Spur & Ret. B.
51881 Quincy Spud DXSa-SU Quincy-Wenatchee C.
51881 Quincy Spud As Reqd. Columbia River -Bon Spur & Ret. D.
51898 Quincy Spud As Reqd. Quincy-Ephrata & Ret. E.
51886 Alcoa Loc. 2100 Wenatchee-Rock Island & Ret. A.
51886 Alcoa Loc. As Reqd. Rock Island-Bon Spur & Ret. B.
51888 Alcoa Loc 2nd Trip As Reqd. Wenatchee-Rock Island & Ret. C.
51888 Alcoa Loc 2nd Trip As Reqd. Rock Island-Bon Spur & Ret. D.
51690 WO Local 1700 Tu-Th-Sa Wenatchee-Oroville
51691 WO Local 1500 Mo-We-Fr Oroville-Wenatchee
51894 Mansfield Turn As Reqd. Wenatchee-Mansfield & Ret.
51671 CW Loc 1030 Mo-We-Fr Yardley-Coulee City A.
51672 CW Loc 0630 Tu-Th-Sa Coulee City-Yardley B.
51672 CW Loc As Reqd. Davenport to Eleanor Industry C.
51672 CW Loc Tu-Th-Sa Cheney-Babb & Ret. D.
51803 Babb Turn 0700 DXSu Erie St-(Spokane)-Babb & Ret. A
51803 Babb Turn Tu-Th Latah Junction-Geiger Field & Ret. B
51619 Yardley-Pullman Loc 1300 Mo-Th Yardley-Pullman A.
As Reqd. Mt. Hope B.
51620 Pullman-Yardley Loc 0700 We-Sa. Pullman-Yardley A.
As Reqd. Palouse-Grinnell-Viola- B.
As Reqd. Rosalia-Balder C.
51873 Pullman-Julietta Loc Tu-Fr Pullman-Genessee-Julietta
51847 WIM Local 0800 DXSa-Su Potlatch-Palouse-Boville & Ret.
51842 Coeur D'Alene 0930 DXSa-Su Post Falls-Coeur D'Alene & Ret.
51801 Athol Turn 0400 As Reqd. Yardley-Hauser-Athol & Ret.
51816 Bonner Ferry Loc 0630 DXSa-Su Sandpoint-Crossport & Ret.
51821 Newport Loc 0730 DXSa-Su Newport-Sandpoint & Ret.
51846 Green Acres Loc As Reqd. Ydly-Erie St-Post Falls 7th Sub.
51819 Sandpoint Turn 1900 DXSa Sandpoint-Yardley & Ret.
51820 Sandpoint Turn 2300 DXSa Yardley-Sandpoint
Courtesy of Rob Leachman via
As promised, here is a run-down of local freight train assignments
in the Spokane area circa 1976. This completes my posts concerning
BN operations in the Spokane area. Hope this is of interest.
Spokane Area Local Freight Trains (as published Feb 1976, "last
revised 10/14/75")
Local Number Route Description On Duty Frequency
474 Cheney-Scribner-Marshall-Babb 0900 Ex TuF
625 Kettle Falls – Hillyard 0700 TuF
626 Hillyard – Kettle Falls 0830 MTh
671 Yardley – Coulee City 0930 MWF
672 Coulee City – Yardley 0700 TuThSa
679 Yardley – Quincy 0800 MWF
680 Quincy – Yardley 0600 TuThSa
801 Yardley – Athol Daily
819-820 Sandpoint – Hillyard 1900 Ex Sa
831 Kettle Falls – Hillyard 0030 Ex Su
832 Hillyard – Kettle Falls 2130 Ex Sa
834 Hillyard – Elk 0630 Ex SaSu
836 Hillyard – Chewelah 0700 We
842 Erie Street – Coeur d'Alene 0900 Ex SaSu
844 Yardley–Coeur d'Alene–Algoma 0700 Ex Su
846 Cheney-Marshall-Scribner-
Davenport-Eleanor 1100 Tu
Notes: Trains 831-832 were essentially through road trains not doing
local work. These were long trains powered by multi-unit lash-ups of
four-axle units. Trains 671-672 also were powered by multi-unit lash-
ups of four-axle units (typically F units or mixed F units and
Geeps), although they did all the switching work at the elevators
along the CW. When the grain was moving, these also were long
trains. I believe the other locals were ordinarily powered by one or
two Geeps.
From the "Grant County Journal."
July 22, 1976
My posting of the photo isn't about the fire at all, but about the railroad cars in the view. There seem to be very few photos of the scrapyard operation of the Purdy Co at Ephrata. This shows at least 2 cars slated for scrap.
In another timely post, I discovered this GP9 had arrived in Reardan when I drove through on 6/7/24.