Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

1890s Coulee City

Mac McCulloch gave an estimate for the date of this photo:

"Date of photo is after the renumbering of 1897 and before the renumbering of 1899. Loco was part of very first group of 2-8-0 power on the NP, built by Baldwin in 1883 making them a relatively early example of the breed."

Friday, June 14, 2013

Trinidad Difference Of Decades

July 1949 photo. Courtesy of Douglas County.

Current Google Maps view, as of March 15, 2013
How many changes can you spot?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hartline Difference Of Decades

First photo is dated 12-4-59.

Second photo is from 2-11-2018.
Note the old jack house on this end of the elevators is gone, replaced by the big steel tanks. The silvery colored one in the old photo is still standing, though it has had a new elevator installed. It seems that the end elevators are also still in place.

In the early photo, there were about 3 or 4 different owners of the elevators. Now there are two, which will be officially merged into one on 4-1-2018.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Banks Lake Drawdown-1

Photos courtesy of the USBR.

The 2011 drawdown of Banks Lake by 35 feet allowed many  things long covered by water to become visible again. One major draw for me was that the old railroad grade was now out of the water in many area.

First, here are some aerial photos taken by the Bureau on November 15, 2011. In many places you can see the old Speedball Highway as well.

Osborne Bay

South Dam at Coulee City
The Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern used to pass through the canal headworks area.

A few miles north of Coulee City
Railroad grade is the one closer to the water.

Looking back toward Coulee City from just north of the previous shot

Steamboat Rock
Railroad grade is the one closer to Steamboat Park, through the middle of the photo.

Grand Coulee Airport
Railroad grade is pretty obvious here.

Electric City and North Dam

Osborne Bay

Just south of Steamboat Rock

South Dam at Coulee City
Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern grade along the bottom of the photo as well as along the left hand side above the lake.