Phil Ellsworth posted a large number of photos in a Facebook group dedicated to Spokane history. While ALL of the photos are interesting, just a few are pertinent to this page.
Phil said:
"My great uncle, Allen Mayer Davidson of South Bend, Ind., worked for an insurance company and traveled the country taking photos of properties and projects they insured. Some are aerial photos taken by him from a biplane and others were taken from ground level.
"These were in envelopes marked “Spokane” and he was usually fastidious about accuracy but I can’t confirm that all of them are actually of the Spokane area. Probably are though.
"Sorry it’s such a large photo dump, but I thought they’d be of interest to the group."
That said, here are two:
Kyle Jarvis pointed out this is the he original Downriver Bridge, built on the piers of the old Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern bridge over the Spokane River.
Then there were two photos showing the approach to the GN bridge over the river.