Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Seward AFEs

This is a summary to the "Applications For Expenditures" (AFE) files which were project files for all purchases, construction or removal of facilities or equipment from Great Northern property. These files sometimes contain correspondence, invoices, blueprints and other project information, and often contain insight into events or changes in a specific area at a point in time.

As a summary, it does give a look into the changes made over the years.

From the GN-NP Archives.

1913 Place steel in bridges 325 and 326
1914 Construct extensions on east and west ends of passing track
1914 Paint 7 new steel bridges between Moravia and Seward
1916 Place steel in bridge 323 and 324
1922 Patch ballast
1922 Relay rail Lamona to Seward
1932 Repair flood damage, install culverts and change channel
1933 Place rip-rap Odessa to Seward
1937 Place steel in bridge 326.4 and 327
1937 Renew ties in bridge 325
1939 Remove industry track
1942 Construct private road under bridge 325
1942 Remove passing track
1942 Remove telephone booth and equipment

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