Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tidbits from the Milwaukee Road Timetable of 1980

Office of Division Manager,
Washington-Montana Division

Tacoma, Washington
January 1, 1980

Timetable NO. 32


Do not exceed 15 mph 600 feet east to 600 feet west of Alder Street HWY Crossing located just west of depot at Moses Lake, account short circuit for highway crossing signals.

There is a broken rail on Main Track at Alder Street Crossing at Moses Lake. Trains and Engines will operate through the Auxiliary Track Switches lined and locked for movement through the Auxiliary Track.
Westward movements MUST STOP after activating Highway Crossing Signals at Alder Street in order that Highway traffic has adequate warning and then proceed over the crossing.


Between Tiflis and Marcellus trains do no exceed:

10 MPH over east and west switches at Old Moody

10 MPH over west switch at Old Schoonover

Do Not exceed 10 MPH between MP 11 and east switch of Laing Industry Track.

D.H. Burke
Acting Division Manager

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