Monday, September 27, 2010

Alstown AFEs

This is a summary to the "Applications For Expenditures" (AFE) files which were project files for all purchases, construction or removal of facilities or equipment from Great Northern property. These files sometimes contain correspondence, invoices, blueprints and other project information, and often contain insight into events or changes in a specific area at a point in time.

As a summary, it does give a look into the changes made over the years.

From the GN-NP Archives.

1912    Construct private crossing
1915    Install car body building
1916    Install portable stock chute
1927    Install ROW fence
1933    Move public crossing
1936    Construct cattle passage
1936    Retire section house and bunk house
1939    Repairs to bridges and culverts
1944    Repair flood damage
1949    Install automatic pump
1950    Remove water tank and pump
1956    Move section buildings
1964    Fill easterly span bridge 27
1966    Redrive bridge 30
1966    Redrive bridge 31

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