Friday, July 29, 2011

1915 Vulcan Area

From the 1915 "Standard Atlas of Douglas County."


Anonymous said...

If I'm reading Google maps correctly, Vulcan approximately on the site of the new Spanish Castle development between Rock Island and Trinidad. Vulcan Road parallels the river in both directions between the railroad and the river both directions from the end of Spanish Castle Rd. It's really pretty down there....


SDP45 said...

Much of this line is still quite evident through the area. I've driven it from Spanish Castle road to where the old trestle at the Douglas Creek crossing is. The first mile or so of the old Mansfield branch is actually part of the original main line. Follow Rudolph Road north and south of Spanish Castle Road. This is the old grade.


SDP45 said...

I might add that Vulcan was on the old line.
