Saturday, January 18, 2025

1981 Coulee City View-With Me!

Photo courtesy of Tom Carver.

August 15, 1981

I've known of 5 fellows that had taken photos of the railroad to Coulee City in the 1980/81 timeframe, recording on film what I only have memories of. I've managed to catch up with all 5 of them over the years to see their work. One question I've posed to them is if they ever caught some kid trackside during that time. Today, one of these fellows, Tom Carver, posted this image from August 18, 1981. Here is what he had to say:

"After several discussions with Flickr member Dan Bolyard about my photos of the CW local in Coulee City, he asked if we remembered seeing a "snot-nosed kid hanging around the tracks," because it was most likely him. Well, that jogged my fading memory and I subsequently found this photo of Dan on his bike, positively identified by his T-shirt! So many of us when young did our train watching by bicycle–myself included–that this is probably why I shot the image in the first place. So, Dan, herewith, assuming this is really you and not someone who stole your T-shirt ?!? Glad you were old enough to see and remember the F-units! I'll be happy to send you a hi-res scan and the original slide if you like."


Kurt Moose said...

Dang, what a cool find for sure! You gotta' frame this one, Dan!

I was the same in Edmonds, except my trusty skateboard got me trackside. At least it was downhill, one way.....

SDP45 said...

I plan on printing this one out.

MB Line said...

That is so cool Dan!

SDP45 said...

But where are my shoes!!!

MB Line said...

The only thing better would be if you were wearing overalls and had a frog in your pocket!

SDP45 said...

That was probably the next day.