Friday, January 17, 2025

F Unit Surprise

Photo courtesy of Tom Carver.

August 16, 1980.

Tom says:
"The edict had already been handed down to withdraw all F-Units from service in Western Washington, so we all thought that was it. At the time I was working for an air freight forwarding company delivering to Eastern Washington and Idaho, with my westbound trip from Spokane to Wenatchee always on U.S. Rt. 2, which followed BN's 8th Subdivision branch line between Cheney and Coulee City. Having pulled over for a rest stop west of Davenport, I heard a train whistle, and having yet to see a train on this line I waited for the ubiquitous Geeps to show up...WTF...F-Units?!? Turns out the Parkwater (Spokane) based Fs, which also served as Marias Pass helpers, were still in service! Once back in Seattle I spread the word, and several trips were organized to catch this train, known as the CW (Central Washington) Local or Coulee City Turn."


Kurt Moose said...

The last hurrah for the F's......

SDP45 said...

Wait until you see tomorrow's post!

Kurt Moose said...

Awesome post!