Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Great Northern's Black Eye From Quincy

From the "Quincy Record," Quincy, WA


"If we had a depot that covered the distance that the freight and express does when thrown from the trains it would reach over 300 yards. Oranges, flour, sugar and other articles are scattered as if they were being sown in the wind."

"The express has again delayed our paper stock, making us late again." (Referring to the publishing of the Record.)

"The railroad workers were paid off at this place one day last week and spent one half of thee night bruising and the other half in patching up the bruises."

"Quincy has no depot after two years, not even a shed to protect the waiting passengers. The only passenger service is at 12:44 AM and 3:44 AM and sometimes it is bitter cold waiting for a train that is late several hours. The business at the station will average $2,000 to $3,000 a month, and lots of business is kept away because we are on a blind siding, and yet the company will not consider a petition of our citizens for a depot."

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