Sunday, November 28, 2010

Irby AFEs

This is a summary to the "Applications For Expenditures" (AFE) files which were project files for all purchases, construction or removal of facilities or equipment from Great Northern property. These files sometimes contain correspondence, invoices, blueprints and other project information, and often contain insight into events or changes in a specific area at a point in time.

As a summary, it does give a look into the changes made over the years.

From the GN-NP Archives.

1898    Install ROW fence
1898    Extend passing track
1899    Extend passing track
1899    Construct passing track
1901    Install culvert
1901    Add rip rap to dyke of Crab Creek
1902    Construct bridge
1902    Renew culvert
1903    Construct platform
1903    Install ROW fence
1903    Install culvert
1904    Install water pump
1904    Install cattle guard in ROW fence
1904    Construct public crossing
1904    Install mail crane
1904    Construct industry track
1904    Extend passing track
1907    Remove windmill
1908    Erect 30x48 station
1909    Fill borrow pit and grade driveway at station
1909    Construct passing track
1909    Change outlet fixture on water tank from 7 inch to 10 inch diameter
1912    Install telephone in depot
1914    Replace signals
1914    Extend passing track 937 feet
1914    Install train order signal
1916    Construct water tank
1916    Add steel to bridge 327.1
1916    Add steel to bridge 329
1918    Raise sags
1919    Construct industry track
1920    Irby to Wilson Creek: Relay 15.39 miles with 90# rail
1921    In main line, relay present 85# rail, new when laid, with new 90# rail for a distance of 12500 feet east from east switch at Irby. Provide new angle bars, bolts, spikes and 7-5-58 tie plates
1922    Add car bodies
1922    Remove 2 public crossings
1924    Add steel to bridge 330
1925    Change public crossing
1926    Line change
1928    Deepen channel and fill bridges 331.3 and 331.4
1929    Extend passing track
1939    Line change at curve 379
1940    Install ROW fence
1940    Remove water facilities
1942    Renew bridges from Ft. Wright to Wilson Creek
1942    Add gates to ROW fence
1942    Improve crossing
1943    Replace bridge #331.1 near Irby. Replace bridge #332.2 with pipe culvert, widen channel between bridges 331.1 and 332.2
1944    Replace planking on bridge 329
1945    Retirement of property on account of line change
1946    Rip rap at bridge 327.1
1969    Prepare grade for side track
1970    Construct 10447 foot siding 3 miles west

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