This is a summary to the "Applications For Expenditures" (AFE) files which were project files for all purchases, construction or removal of facilities or equipment from Great Northern property. These files sometimes contain correspondence, invoices, blueprints and other project information, and often contain insight into events or changes in a specific area at a point in time.
As a summary, it does give a look into the changes made over the years.
From the GN-NP Archives.
1898 Construct passing track
As a summary, it does give a look into the changes made over the years.
From the GN-NP Archives.
1898 Construct passing track
1899 Construct passing track
1900 Install pumping plant
1900 Install ROW fence
1900 Construct public crossing
1900 Install cattle guard in ROW fence
1900 Install pumping plant
1900 Construct private crossing
1901 Construct public crossing
1901 Install ROW fence
1901 Relocate section house
1901 Construct warehouse
1902 Install ROW fence
1903 Install cattle guard in ROW fence
1903 Install mail crane
1903 Place gasoline storage tank with pipeline
1904 Install culvert
1904 Place rip rap along road bed
1904 Remove windmill and install gas pump
1906 Construct 16x24 water tank
1908 Place 12x34 portable depot
1908 Construct bridge
1909 Fill borrow pit and grade driveway at station
1909 Construct passing track
1909 Construct private crossing
1911 Remove windmill
1914 Construct 934 foot extension on east end of passing track
1915 Install telephone in depot
1916 Construct private crossing
1916 Install train order signal
1917 Construct stockyard
1917 Move road crossing
1918 Install public crossing
1919 Relay passing track
1920 Repair section house
1923 Purchase express truck
1923 Install water line to depot
1924 Lamona to Bluestem: Relay approx 13 miles of east and west bound main track at various point with new 89# rail in place of 77 1/2# and 85# rail, placing 8700 cubic yards of ballast
1926 Line change at bridge 312 and 313
1927 Change channel of Crab Creek
1929 Remove 100.000 capacity tank west of bridge 269 to be placed at Lamona, move pump house and place over well and install electric pumping equipment
1936 Lamona to Wilson Creek: Furnish and place 10.800 rail anchors for 90# rail
1936 Raise grade and new bridge 317.1
1936 Remove part of passing track
1937 Install steel in bridge 315
1938 Install ROW fence
1938 Replace section house
1939 Install automatic switches and bridge 292
1940 Repairs to bridges
1940 Retire depot
1942 Add water pump
1942 Install water tank from Spokane
1943 Relocate automatic train annunciator from Odessa and construct building to house same, also install selector equipment
1943 Install ROW fence
1945 Lamona to Odessa: relay 14.5 miles main line with 112# material
1946 Install ROW fence
1946 Retire well
1946 Retire gas pumping equipment
1948 Install spring switch at east end
1949 Install culvert
1954 Remove standpipe
1955 Retire water tank
1956 Retire pump houses and standpipes
1961 Remove siding and connect industry track to main line
1962 Place ballast along road bed
1962 Sell section house
1968 Renew bridge deck
1969 Prepare grade for side track
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