Wednesday, October 23, 2024

GN Power At Appleyard

Courtesy of the GNRHS. Special shout-out to Mike Hammer for reminding me of this image. I first saw it in the 1967 Charles R. Wood book "Lines West." That book was first captivating to me in the late 1970s. 

Three types of Great Northern motive power are shown at Appleyard, near Wenatchee, Wash. Left to right are GE class W-1 electric No. 5019, built in 1947; EMD FT diesel No. 416, built in 1944; and Baldwin class R-1 2-8-8-2 No. 2036.


Kurt Moose said...

Dad brought home that same book about 1978, and I loved it!

SDP45 said...

I have a cherished copy in my collection. Mr. Wood was VERY good at writing captions.

Kurt Moose said...
