Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Contractor Speaks of Building the GN Below Wenatchee

From the "Spokesman Review."

January 23, 1892

Mr. H. Kirkendall, the well-known railroad contractor, came down from Helena yesterday and will leave for Coulee City in a day or two. As announced in The Review several days ago, he has secured a contract for a section of 25 miles on the line of the Great Northern railroad along the Columbia River below Wenatchee.

Talking to a Review reporter at the Hotel Spokane last night he said: "All my outfit except the stock is now at Coulee City, and the horses will be shipped in a day or two. Several sub-contractors have gone out already to look the work over, and T.B. Kirdendall & Co. will take part of it.

"The freighting for the camps will all be done from Coulee City and Ellensburgh, the latter town being a little the nearer to the work, though as the road is not so good probably most of it will be done from Coulee City. We expect to commence work very soon, and I think we will be ready for laborers in 10 days at the outside. the whole job will be finished up by the 20th of July."

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