This site features daily historical railroad posts from the Big Bend/Columbia Plateau region of Washington state. As a personal site, this is my online filing cabinet of interesting things I've come across about railroading in the area. Thanks for stopping by!
--Dan Bolyard
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Kitty Turn With The E-50
From the "Yardbull" newsletter of the IERHS.
June 1984
Interesting story but sad in a way in that two engines and a crew move 12 beet emptys from the bottom of the hill to kitty and six loads of beats eastbound. Would the money made on the six loads of beets pay the crew and engine power expenses??In a little over 42 years on the GN and BN and working lots of NP locals right after merger I do not think I ever saw a crew do so little on any call.
Interesting story but sad in a way in that two engines and a crew move 12 beet emptys from the bottom of the hill to kitty and six loads of beats eastbound. Would the money made on the six loads of beets pay the crew and engine power expenses??In a little over 42 years on the GN and BN and working lots of NP locals right after merger I do not think I ever saw a crew do so little on any call.
I'm a little skeptical that so few loads would really pay for themselves, but perhaps it was slow that day.
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