Monday, April 3, 2023

SLS&E Grades

Guest post by the late Len Robertson. 

(Len passed a few years ago. I've been digging out our correspondence and memorializing certain parts on this website.)

Two views of the bridge over the highway on the NP line from Davenport to Eleanor. I'm puzzled by it being over a paved road in the 1960s. It makes me think the road may be the modern Highway 231 that heads south to Edwall from Highway 2 right at the RR Museum. I need to print this out and drive over there one day to look. I imagine the fills on either side of the highway are still there. Also, there could be a paved road closer to Davenport that went under the RR and this isn't Highway 231. This photo was likely taken from mid-1963 to 1965. I'm pretty sure I had my drivers license when I took this, and that is our family's '56 Olds showing in the second shot.


Kurt Moose said...

Definitely would appreciate an "after" pick what it looks like today.

And that '56 Olds is a beauty, like to have that nowadays!

SDP45 said...

We should do that soon!


ramp said...

Yes. I believe he is correct. On google maps, I found the exact spot over highway 231. The approaches are still there and even remnants of some of the pilings.

SDP45 said...

I'll definitely stop by.
