As a summary, it does give a look into the changes made over the years.
From the GN-NP Archives.
1898 Extend passing track 500 feet
1899 Construct 700 foot industry track
1901 Install steel in bridge #356 at Moses Coulee
1904 Construct cattle guard
1904 Construct station platform
1905 Install ROW fence
1907 Construct temporary station facility
1907 Install mail crane
1908 Place car body for other purposes
1908 Construct new setout track and throw east end of industry track, extend 500 feet
1908 Construct spur track
1909 Construct standard depot
1909 Install ROW fence 8360 feet 1/2 mile east
1909 Install pipe culvert
1913 At bridge 356, replace pile abutment at east end with concrete
1914 Add 967 foot extension on west end of passing track
1915 Erect 3930 foot ROW fence 7 miles north
1915 Erect 1900 foot ROW fence 1 3/4 miles east
1916 Remove loose rock east of Tunnel 12
1916 Install ROW fence
1917 Remove loose rock east of Tunnel 12
1917 Install ROW fence
1917 Install car body for track workers
1919 Bring in mail cart
1920 Construct 250 ton coal chute and water tank
1920 Relay with 90# rail
1921 Bunk houses to Ephrata
1922 Rip rap at bridge #356 and dam
1922 Remove rocks from bluffs west of Tunnel 12
1922 Move section house from Winchester
1922 Install carbodies, water closet to Leavenworth
1923 Move hand care house from circle
1923 Construct water supply facilities
1923 Move mail crane
1923 Place screen doors on section house
1923 Install car bodies
1924 Purchase motor car body for section foreman
1928 Columbia River to Mansfield: Furnish and place 50000 second hand 5-58 tie plates on curves
1928 Remove mail crane
1928 Relay passing track with 90# rail
1930 Place partitions in depot
1931 Remove coal chute and track
1931 Remove cinder pit and tracks
1932 Remove equipment from depot
1936 Retire bunk house
1938 Remove span of bridge #356
1938 Columbia River to Mansfield, place 6309 second hand rail anchors
1939 Rip rap to protect bridge #356
1939 Columbia River to Appleyard: Relay with 112# &131# rail
1940 Water for section house
1941 Telephone wire to jct
1942 Remove pump at water station
1942 Retire car body
1943 Watchmans house to Soap Lake for depot
1943 Install cattle guard in ROW fence
1944 Retire abandoned ROW
1944 Replace pumps
1945 Electric lights in depot and section buildings
1945 Replace part of bridge #1
1945 Repair run-off damage near bridge #356
1946 Steel span bridge #1
1948 Record misc buildings
1952 Relay with 115# rail
1952 Construct Bonneville Power Spur
1952 Install culvert
1953 Retire test equipment
1953 Install temporary culverts
1954 Retire and sell section house
1955 Columbia River to Crater: Relay 6.2 miles
1956 Easement for highway
1957 Daylight Tunnel #12
1957 Purchase property for curves 459-460
1958 Realigning curves 459-460
1965 Code wires for CTC
1965 CTC Columbia River to Merritt
1969 Replace rail anchors on CTC sidings
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