Thursday, October 21, 2010

Douglas AFEs

This is a summary to the "Applications For Expenditures" (AFE) files which were project files for all purchases, construction or removal of facilities or equipment from Great Northern property. These files sometimes contain correspondence, invoices, blueprints and other project information, and often contain insight into events or changes in a specific area at a point in time.

As a summary, it does give a look into the changes made over the years.

From the GN-NP Archives.

1910    Construct 48x48 one pen stockyard
1912    Construct public highway 1090 feet long
1912    Transfer track to Waterville Railway
1913    Construct road crossing
1917    Install ROW fence
1917    Extend industry track
1919    Install culverts Columbia River to Mansfield
1919    Waterville Railway turnout
1920    Bridges and culverts
1921    Assessment for roads
1923    Repair flood damage
1924    Rip rap
1926    Widen public crossing at Washington St.
1928    Move private crossing
1928    Rip rap Alstown to Douglas
1935    Rip rap
1937    Auto unloading platform
1938    Move public crossing
1938    Repair flood damage
1941    Driveway around depot
1946    Electric lights in depot
1947    2 wire telephone circuit mp 35 to 37
1949    Extend Centennial Mills spur
1950    Repair flood damage
1956    Acquire Waterville Railway tracks
1956    Move section buildings
1960    Well for depot and section
1961    Install culverts
1962    Purchase pick-up truck

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