As a summary, it does give a look into the changes made over the years.
From the GN-NP Archives.
1893 Construct 100x100 stockyard
1898 Extend passing track 531 feet
1899 Construct 700 foot industry track
1900 Replace 2 foot water pipe line with 4 foot
1900 Erect mail crane
1900 Equip mail crane with bag clamp
1900 Grade driveway
1901 Construct temporary stockyard
1901 Place 8 ton standard stock scale at stockyard
1901 Extend industry track 1550 feet
1902 Erect 24x48 station facility
1902 Construct public crossing
1902 Renew water pipe to stockyard
1903 Widen banks on road bed
1903 Install rain gauge and instruments for measuring rainfall
1903 Build an additional 98x99 foot pen to stock yard
1903 Install mail crane
1906 Construct private crossing
1906 Construct standard section house and standard laborer house
1907 Construct passing track
1909 Construct passing track
1909 Move water closet to new location
1909 Change outlet fixture on water tank from 7 inch to 10 inch diameter
1909 Install ROW fence
1910 Move station water closet
1911 Install 5700 feet of ROW fence 2 miles west of Ephrata
1912 Install electric crossing alarm bells at Pacific Ave
1912 Place public crossing 2 1/2miles west
1912 30x52 addition to depot, place flush toilet in each waiting room, rearrange for freight house and warm room, extend platform
1913 Remove stockyard scales
1914 Construct 400 foot extension to industry track for Standard Oil Co.
1914 Replace signals
1914 Construct 1064 foot extension on east end and 400 foot extension on west end of passing track
1914 Move public crossing 250 feet east
1914 Install ROW fence
1915 Install feed racks in stockyards
1915 Install sheep loading chute
1916 Install ROW fence
1916 Deep well and pump
1916 Relay passing track with 85# rail
1916 Pipe connection to city water
1916 Install culvert at bridge 344.1
1917 Install ROW fence
1916 Install culvert at bridge 344.1
1917 Install ROW fence
1917 Cess pool at depot
1918 Pump house for water tank
1919 Replace water tank
1920 Purchase lawn mower
1920 Extend drain from standpipe
1920 Enlarge pump house & replace pump
1920 Pipe from water tank to section house
1921 Bunk houses from Adrian and Columbia River
1921 Move 8x12 hand car house from Quincy to Ephrata
1921 Move 8x12 hand car house from Quincy to Ephrata
1922 Construct public crossings
1922 Bunk house from Circle
1922 Replace motor at pumping plant
1923 Install 11200 feet of ROW fence 4 miles west of Ephrata
1923 Ephrata to Quincy: Relay present 85# rail with new 100# rail from present end of 100# rail at station 6736-22 about 1/2 mile west of west switch Ephrata to west end of 90# rail near west switch Quincy station, a distance of 16 miles, providing 7x10 1/2 inch new tie plates and 5/8x6 inch spikes out of face. Relay rail lighter than 75# with second hand 85# rail in passing tracks at Naylor, Winchester, and Quincy; also tie plate curves in passing tacks with second hand tie plates and relay 68# turnouts with #9 turnouts, using second hand switch material recovered from main line. Provide curve number and elevation boards. Place 13000 cubic yards ballast out of face from Adrian pit charging 40% to capital account, balance to operating expense, provide for track bonding in connection with signal department. Extend passing track at Quincy to connect with east wye switch
1923 Electric lights in depot
1923 Move section house from Chopaka to Ephrata
1923 Move section house from Chopaka to Ephrata
1924 Electric lights in section house
1924 Construct Union Oil spur
1924 Install car body building
1924 Install cut-out for alarm bell
1925 Place oil drums
1925 Connect to city water
1925 Fill bridges 344.1, 344.2 & 362
1925 Fill bridges 344.1, 344.2 & 362
1926 Deepen well
1928 Auxiliary telephone in depot warehouse
1928 Replace 100# passing track switches with 110# material
1929 Extend passing track
1931 Private crossing at Cyrus Ave
1932 Enlarge signal maintainers cottage
1934 Extend public crossing at Pacific Ave
1934 Move gas engine from Lyons to Ephrata pumping plant
1935 Highway underpass
1935 Air compressor for pumping plant
1935 Extend public crossing
1936 Add bedroom to section house
1937 Remove private crossing at Cyrus Ave
1937 Retire bunkhouse
1937 Install bunkhouse from Quincy
1939 Replace engine at pumping plant
1939 Water hose connection
1940 Assessment for sewer
1941 Shingles on roof of depot
1941 Loading platform
1942 Replace pump
1943 Remodel 29x100 station
1943 Sewer pipe
1943 Extend industry track
1943 Turnouts for Army tracks
1943 Grading for west leg of wye
1943 Fit up four 2689' capacity arch bar cars for use as bunk cars to house employees
1943 Fit up four 2689' capacity arch bar cars for use as bunk cars to house employees
1944 Relay through turnouts of passing tracks with 112# rail
1944 Remove mail crane
1945 Install spring switches
1945 Construct tool house
1945 Place derail on lead to Army Air Depot track
1945 Basin Concrete spur
1946 Griswold signals on Division and Third Ave
1946 Sewer line
1947 Assessment for streets-8th
1947 Pave platforms at depot
1947 Remove switch and connect industry tracks
1947 Purchase billing machine
1947 Purchase adding machine
1947 Install toilets in laborers houses
1947 Construct sidewalk on Third Ave
1948 Pave and repair crossings and relay 253 feet main line
1948 Improvements to company house
1948 Install shoo-fly tracks for canal crossing
1948 Install shoo-fly tracks for canal crossing
1949 Morrison-Knudson siding
1949 Remove Union Oil spur
1950 Extend depot platform
1950 Purchase property
1950 Morrison-Knudson spur
1950 Irrigation pipe
1950 Dedicate part of station grounds for road
1950 Dedicate part of station grounds for road
1951 Hand throw at Columbia Concrete Pipe spur
1951 Remove Morrison-Knudson track
1951 Install metal tool houses
1951 Temporary timber bridges Ephrata to Winchester
1952 Construct roadway and fence
1952 Partitions in depot
1952 Easement for street
1952 Retire water tank
1952 Retire water tank
1953 Purchase property
1953 Improve depot platform
1953 General Tractor spur
1954 Sale of property
1954 Midstates Supply spur
1955 Retire & remove stockyards
1955 Crossing gates
1955 Easement for highway
1955 House track
1956 Assessment for sewers
1956 Sun Basin Lumber spur
1956 Signal timing circuits
1957 Easement for BPA
1958 Assessment for streets
1958 Easement for over head highway bridge
1960 Sell section house
1963 Sale of property
1965 Extend loading platform 80 feet
1965 Wheel change truck
1966 CTC Ephrata to Columbia River
1968 Retire stockyard facility
1968 Purchase truck
1970 Install CTC with 4th aspect Lamona to Ephrata
1970 Install CTC with 4th aspect Lamona to Ephrata
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