Saturday, June 8, 2019

2019 Crab Creek Bridge Fire

Courtesy of the Palouse to Cascades Trail Coalition.

NEWS RELEASE: The recent 243 Command wildfire in Grant County that burned 20,000 acres, from the Columbia River east toward Royal City, extended across the trail along Lower Crab Creek and took out the historic Crab Creek Trestle. R.I.P. Crab Creek Trestle. You are already very much missed!

Burned Crab Creek trestle.

 Burned Crab Creek trestle.

The wood trestle just east of the trestle across Crab Creek is still intact, but the fire burned up to the footings.

A close call for the second wood trestle just east of Crab Creek.

 Fire damage along the trail.

 Fire damage along the trail.

Firefighters are still putting out hotspots. The trail can be seen in the background.

 Once a dense stand of Russian Olives along Lower Crab Creek Road.

 Firefighters at a trailhead.

 The Crab Creek Trestle in its glory, 2016.

 Burn along the trail.

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