Thursday, November 22, 2012

Riverland Pictures

Riverland is the point where the Milwaukee Road Hanford Branch ceased, and the government railroad started. At one time this was also Milwaukee territory before it was seized for the Hanford project.

This spot is located along SR 24, about a mile or so south of the Vernita Bridge:


Anonymous said...

Thank you! It is hard to find pictures of the Hanford branch, so it is very much appreciated!



Unknown said...

Thanks Dan! In the fourth picture, whats all the equipment we are looking at, and why is it there?

SDP45 said...

It looks like miscellaneous track pieces to me. Otherwise, I'm not sure.


Anonymous said...

If I may I would say that those are old switch stands, both tall and short ones left over after the track was pulled up. The targets on these stand have been removed. Those bars in that stack look to be those that held the rails together. One can still see those on main lines today.

SDP45 said...

I was thinking that as well.
